In a dystopian future, genetically engineered animals known as Zoo Jitsu Fighters are bred for combat and forced to compete in brutal mixed martial arts tournaments. These creatures, imbued with superhuman strength and agility, are exploited for entertainment and profit.
But amidst the carnage and cruelty, a hero rises. Tiago the Tiger, tired of the suffering and injustice, vows to break free from the oppressive system and liberate its fellow fighters.
28 pages of heart-pounding action and thought-provoking storytelling.
Cover: Alejandro Garza
Writer: Christopher Long
Pencils and Inks: Jeferson Sadzinski
Colors: Guilherme Lindemberg Mendes
Letters: Justin Birch
* This is a digital download. This comic book is copyrighted and may not be printed or reproduced.